Erica's Senior Photos// Lafayette, Co

Well hello again,

Today I have a senior photo shoot that was done in old town Lafayette, Co. Can I just say that I absolutely love old towns! They are always so quaint and charming and I literally can't get enough of them. So when Erica and her mom said they wanted Erica's photos to be done in old town Lafayette I was so game. Take a look:

1. Tell us a little about yourself 

Erica: I love to explore the beauty of Colorado! Boulder and Lafayette are my favorite places! I've just recently stopped playing basketball so I use my time to make some money working at Copper Rail and catching up on my favorite Netflix series The New Girl and The Carrie Diaries

2.What are your plans after high school?

Erica: My plan after high school is to hopefully attend the class of 2017 at Arizona State University, I'm still undecided as to what I would like to do, but I love astronomy!!

3. Who is your favorite movie star and why?

Erica: My favorite movie start is Julia Roberts, she's so elegantly put together and I love her red curly hair!

4.What has been the hardest lesson to learn in high school?

Erica: The hardest lesson I learned in high school was moving on. Things are always happening that we cannot control and we cannot sit and dwell on these things. We must move on because life doesn't stop for anyone and if you continue to dwell on the bad you'll have no time for the good!

5. Who is your biggest role model and why?

Erica: My biggest role model would have to be my mom. She's my absolute best friend and has the kindest heart and the best intentions, even when she's having bad days she always makes sure that I'm taken care of and that I'm happy.

6. If you could have coffee with any 3 people (dead, alive, past, or future) who would it be and why?

Erica: 1. Mac Miller, he's always having crazy adventures living his life to the fullest and I would enjoy hearing how he continues to live his life

2.Jennifer Aniston, she's so effortlessly beautiful and seems to be such a genuine human.

3.Angelina Jolie, she's beat breast cancer and fights to change the world one step at a time.

7. What is your favorite memory of high school?

Erica: My favorite high school memory would have to be participating in my senior years homecoming parade!

8. What is your favorite subject in school and why?

Erica: My favorite subject in school is literature because I love to write and I love learning about the different ways to properly use the language we use everyday.

9. What is your favorite thing to do on a Friday night?

Erica: My favorite thing to do on a Friday night is get together with all my friends and go support our Brighton football boys under the lights!

10. What is your biggest fear about the future?

Erica:My biggest fear of the future is that I'll never really be able to clean up this messy life I live.

11. Do you have any advice for the underclassmen?

Erica: My advice for the underclassmen is, just because someone doesn't like you doesn't mean you should refuse to participate. High school is the best time of your life so make the best of it! Don't be afraid to put yourself out there!

12. If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

Erica: I'd be invisible because then when I wanted to be alone no one could see me and no one would bother me, also I'd be able to prank people and make them think I'm a ghost!